A Way Out Of The Hell
NOTE: The WEBGL version is very laggy (and partially not working) since i havent got time to optimize and test!
lets hope it works
Welcome to the HELL!!!
A group of people put you in a testing chamber with a deadly monster which unexpectedly showed up in some unpopulated area. You are the chosen one to die for future generations. They are constantly observing how subject reacts to certain things. You're on your own. All of your friends, family and loved ones.... .....left you Alone.
Feel free to play this game on WebGL/PC. You can download the High Definition version of the game for Windows, for a more detailed gameplay.
......uh why do i care nobody reads descriptions hasftu pffu htfu bhru stfu
Install instructions
How to run the linux build:
- download and unzip the Linux.zip file
- inside the unpacked folder you can find fpsgame.sh (shell file)
shell files can be ran from your linux's local terminal:
- to run the game, simply drag the file into a termial window or paste the file location into the command line
- the game should run automatically when you hit enter
If you encounter issues with running the game, right click the file and select Properties>Permissions and check the 'allow file to be executed as program'
(the method to enable file running may vary from your linux distro and it's version, the given example works on most ubuntu-based distributions of Linux x64)
How to run the windows build:
I mean... isn't it obvoius?
How to run the macos build:
unpack the downloaded archive and run the .app file